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About Us

Dragonfly Rising

Dragonfly Rising teaches people how to meditate through personalized one-on-one sessions. We believe it is essential for new meditators to receive on-going coaching, especially during the first few months, to ensure they are comfortable with their practice. Once a client reaches this level of  comfort, we are available for the duration of their meditation journey. Providing guidance, support and answering questions which may arise as their practice continues to grow. 

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Meet Tom

I am a seeker who has been meditating since 1975. I was trained in Transcendental Meditation and transitioned to Primordial Sound Meditation as taught by Deepak Chopra several years ago. I am also certified by the Chopra Center to teach Primordial Sound Meditation and have trained a number of people to learn to meditate (see Testimonials). However, my journey has not been one straight line toward Awakening or even Health.


Last fall, I traveled to Rishikesh, India, the birthplace of yoga and received my 200 hour teacher certification in Radiant Body Yoga as taught by Kia Miller. Kia’s Radiant Body Yoga combines Vinyasa with Kundalini to create powerful sequences designed to shift energy and create health.


I believe meditation is the most important practice we can do to maintain our health and live a vibrant life.  I am passionate about sharing this wonderful practice of meditation with whomever feels the need to find stillness, beauty and love in their lives. 


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I found in my early practice that having a “coach” was extremely helpful in learning how to consistently enter the meditative state.  The nuances and subtleties of how we “go inside” and “let go” of expectations and control in order to enjoy meditation can sometimes cause us to create our own road blocks.


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Meditation is a direct connection to Self and  I can help people in Recovery to rediscover their true nature, connect to it, and be free of this disease. I learned from my teacher Tommy Rosen and his Recovery 2.0 program that it is possible to thrive in Recovery if we are able to re-establish ourselves in our True Nature. 


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